Buildings Domestic & Commercial

A professional clean will boost your property’s appearance and kerb appeal, attracting clients and leaving visitors eager to return. Powerwashing will also improve the safety and longevity of the exterior walls and outside areas.

Regular cleans will avoid costly repairs or replacements, making this a more sustainable and economically beneficial option for your business or home.

Using our powerful cleaning systems, we can remove most stains and discolouration from your building, which can be caused by atmospheric pollution or a build-up of black, green or yellow algae along with rust stains from heating outlets.

It is recommended that a professional clean is carried out every 12-18 months for general maintenance. Every job is specific, and we therefore assess and advise on the best cleaning methods to be used.

Certain building materials, such as cladding or roofs, require less pressure and we therefore recommend softwashing for an effective clean.

ProClean Powerwash Ltd are a family run, experienced and professional team who strive to offer you the best possible service. If you have any questions regarding what’s best for your building, we can help. We offer no-obligation visits to your property or workplace to discuss your requirements and help you make the best decision.